Your input is important to me. Please provide your valuable feedback. Here are some testimonials from my past and present clients:
Question 1
What if anything have you learned about yourself over the duration of our work together & where there any key stand-out moments?
"I have a greater understanding of my vulnerabilities & thought processes. Through therapy you've taught me how to look at things more calmly and more logically, I had no idea how to deal with the issues I was facing. You helped me break them down one by one and by doing so manage to get ahead of them one at a time. I'd say one of the biggest learnings for me, or key moments was the realisation that I still have a child ego state within me. I've always wondered why at times I have felt so hurt and vulnerable, now I know that I still long for what I never had, I've been trying my whole life to get the love and affection my child never had enough of. I also thought the enactments and role play was very useful, it enabled me to identify and respond to the root of the problem in a way that I wouldn't have done otherwise.
After all the medical checks I've had to try and identify my physical pain drawing a blank you hit the nail on the head when explaining how you see my current life issues through a psychosomatic lens. My physical pain has eased more & more over the duration of our therapy as we have been dealing with my emotional distress".
Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me & if so why?
"Yes I would indeed. Initially your age put me off but I've found that you have far more life experience and wisdom than I expected. You have what I find to be a unique way of explanation and communication which has helped me to understand myself more fully through the theories that inform your practice. And Alex you must be good because I'm missing the France football match right now in our last session and I don't take my football lightly".

Date of Posting: 01 July 2014
Posted By: Brian S.
What, if anything, have you learned about yourself over the duration of our work together, where there any key standout moments?
"I've realised through the course of our therapy that it doesn't have to be just me against the rest of the world. Having never being impacted by a death before I didn't know how to deal with it, I do now and I've been able to grieve properly going through the stages enabling me to remember the best of him, without losing him. I have also felt that by throwing myself in the deep end, way out of my previous comfort zone I have grown and matured. All guns blazing works more for me now rather than my old pattern of avoidance which just made things bigger anyway. The Kahlil Gibran two separate columns analogy also helped me in building a stronger relationship with my partner. Instead of feeling like I have to be in a relationship, I now want to be, I've learned to take more responsibility for 'what's mine' in our relationship and reject what isn't. It's as if I'm leaving with more tools and I know how to use them more effectively".
Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so why?
Yes, I definitely would. For me, I was a young lad walking in and I could relate to you. The fact that you've probably been in similar situations to me helped me to connect and open up to you more. One of the biggest things for me was that I didn't just want somebody sat across from me nodding, from your picture you looked like you'd be able to challenge me and you did which has helped me make more changes as opposed to the stereotype I had in my head.
I like how the first five minutes or so we catch up but when its time to work we get stuck in, then warm down at the end leaving everything in the room rather than taking my problems outside.
I've never felt like you've told me what to do its always been like you've walked with me to the end of the diving board and it was up to me to do the rest, ultimately its never been forced.
Thinking back to the beginning I feel totally different, a lot more calm in myself and I think more instead of being as reactive. I also have more empathy with myself and others.
To start with I felt pushed into therapy by my partner and leaving now I'd rather deal with my problems than store them up and deal with the consequences. I'll never regret coming to therapy, I have a much clearer more positive mindset and I'd definitely recommend it for anyone, I feel everyone would gain from it".

Date of Posting: 07 June 2014
Posted By: Jonathan, B.
"This is my second time I've seen you and it's helped wonders. It's helped me to put my past learning back into place. Your not like like any other therapist I've known, your kind, caring, compassionate and at times cheeky! Your real easy to talk too and one of only a few people who can really make me feel at ease. Sometimes you irritate me me by challenging me, I don't like being wrong, when I'm hell bent and stubborn you can help me shift my one track thinking. I also want to thank you for making therapy affordable for me by dropping your price to what I can afford so that I could still come and see you. You could have said no but you didn't. Whenever I've left you messages you've always got back to me really quickly to put my mind at rest, I never got that elsewhere. I've had good solid therapy with somebody who gets me and my life. I can see a big difference between this ending and our last, I feel more balanced on the whole, I'm less fixed and I'm calmer and happier in general. I've learned that I'm stronger than I first believed, I just needed a tune up to remind me of the good in life and the good in me"
Date of Posting: 14 May 2014
Posted By: Louise, C.
Redcar & Cleveland
"I came in sceptical and hesitant but therapy with you has exceeded my expectations and I'm surprised at how well I have responded to it. I have no sense of wanting or needing more or less of anything from our work, I am full up. I contacted you originally to help me process my painful divorce and we have done that, I no longer feel at fault, I have won. Here I am a few months after starting therapy and I am starting a new career knowing that I am going to be OK. You have helped me make the best decisions for me confidently in my life and I've learned that I am stronger than I ever thought I was. I now feel that my gut instinct is reliable and a part of me to be trusted. I no longer feel a bad person and you've helped me gain fresh perspective on why I felt bad, which allowed others to manipulate my past perception.
I feel I'm coming from a place of strength and compassion and I no longer have any fears of succeeding. You have been what feels like a really good friend to me, I am ready to go and I will miss you".
Date of Posting: 14 May 2014
Posted By: Rebecca, H.
Saltburn by the Sea
"Yes I would recommend therapy with you. You've helped me get out of the mess I was in by being in a relationship with a dangerous Narcissist partner. You helped me process through the aftermath and understand that it wasn't 'all my fault' as he insisted. I don't think I could have done it without you, I would have probably opted for strong anti-depressants and that's not the answer. I got a whole load more than I expected from you, I had internalised and believed so much of others projections onto me but I'm clearer now on what's mine & what's theirs. You've helped me over some dark things that were buried within me even through you had to drag me kicking and screaming! I struggled and didn't feel comfortable with some of the Gestalt experiments we did but afterwards I could see the benefits and it helped me flush out the 'unfinished business' as you called it. Going forward I'm glad you introduced me to the little girl in me, who still needs fun, hope and safeguarding by the protective parent that I am to my boys. I'm less reactive now and I won't waste my time on life's persecutors"

Date of Posting: 07 May 2014
Posted By: Cath, B.
"I would recommend therapy with you and I already have to two work colleagues. You genuinely care and you are protective, respectful, non judging, honest and trustworthy. You share yourself in the interest of others like me and I can't think of anybody who wouldn't feel your humanness and who wouldn't benefit from therapy with you. Hearing your diagnosis ultimately empowered me and gave us a focus for our work. I also enjoyed the anger work with Bob which definitely helped me shift something as did the role play and 3 chair work. The support you gave me when my Grandad passed away helped me Massively in saying goodbye to him and being there for him at such an important time, you've leaned in when I've needed it most. I've also really enjoyed being able to challenge which you made safe here, I will miss you."

Date of Posting: 07 May 2014
Posted By: Rhian, O.
"I would recommend therapy with you Alex, you created such a friendly atmosphere with the fire going it became a home away from home. I've learned about dedication and I'm more confident than ever, it was a brave step for me to start therapy. I could never thank you enough for what you've done for me, it's been an incredible journey and I've changed so much".

Date of Posting: 27 March 2014
Posted By: Jonathan, P.
"I've enjoyed all of our sessions, you've given me a really relaxing environment with very little distractions. I've often come away exhausted and physically hungry for some reason although looking back its more than likely because I've been here to work and put so much in. I feel I'm leaving with a lot that not only I have benefitted from but friends and others at work have also benefitted from by me sharing some of our therapy with them. I was a bit freaked out at first by the role play and chair work but once I got into it I was glad you challenged me because I loved it, I've gotten to know and like much more of me and I also got to say the things that had previously been eating away at me. By working through the break up that brought me to therapy I realise that I did my best and it wasn't good enough for her, I'm at peace with that now and feel that its her loss at the end of the day and it's worked out for the best. I've moved on slowly into a new healthier relationship with clean boundaries and it's going really well. You've been very easy to talk too and you've guided me towards my own answers. I've learned it's alright to wear your heart on your sleeve, being too proud to ask for help was hurting me. Leaving I feel It's all been beneficial and I've already recommended you too others".

Date of Posting: 27 February 2014
Posted By: Paul, R.
"One of the Biggest things I've learned and changed about myself during our work together is my propensity to 'collect stamps'. By collecting stamps and burying my pain I steadily lost my voice and will to fight back at life's many injustices which led to my severe depression and brought me to the brink of suicide. I now have my voice and strength back. I've had therapy before coming to you but I've largely felt they've been going through the motions, and I suppose I did too, i know you don't go through the motions. I feel you are extremely passionate about what you do and it shows in how you do it, you matter to me and I've felt I really matter to you too, and it makes a hell of a difference. Another thing that's really helped is your life experience, your not easily shocked. We've had some really tough sessions when I've felt at my worst and you've stayed right there with me, and then we've had some easier sessions and had a great laugh. It's like you track me closely and give me what I need, when I need it. It's like I'm saying goodbye to a best pal."
Date of Posting: 08 February 2014
Posted By: Kevin R.
I've learned that a lot of what I did subconsciously had deep ties to my early childhood history of relationships. I've allowed people to walk all over me, as they often did in my past. I am now changing and challenging this daily and feel more proud of myself and less ashamed. I put myself first a lot more, I'm a lot more aware of how I'm acting, what I'm doing, and more aware that I can only control my reactions to life, not life itself. I have already, and will continue to recommend therapy with Alex because of how much he has helped me to change. 
Date of Posting: 04 February 2014
Posted By: Angela M. S.