Client Feedback
Your input is important to me. Please provide your valuable feedback. Here are some testimonials from my past and present clients:

What, if anything, have you gained or learned about yourself over the duration of our work together? And where there any key/standout moments?
"Patience, that's a big one. Also more understanding of other people, understanding that they are not mind readers. Also allowing people to speak and not to be so serious about everything. I've also learned to be mindful of what other people are feeling instead of just my feelings, that's really helped me and my partner. People have kept telling me I am different, more confident and open.
When I first came I was a bit ashamed, I'd put it off for years. I used to just snap, now I don't, people tell me I'm mellow."
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?
"Already have, I mean I never wanted to see a therapist, never mind trust a therapist with how stubborn I've been, I've already recommended you to several people. You've certainly changed my opinion on therapists. Thank you."

Date of Posting: 08 October 2017
Posted By: Daryl
Posted By: Daryl

"How do I answer this in a short paragraph, there is so much to say. You've helped me to love and respect myself, focus on my needs and not give away all my energy to others. Our sessions helped me to see that my default has been the 'rescuer/fixer'. With your help I've learnt how to resist throwing myself in to helping others to the detriment to myself, and to give from my bucket not my well.
I've learnt how to deal with difficult situations and not hold on to my emotions, pretending to everyone I had everything under control and I could keep going with my own issues and everyone else's problems. I thought I was Superwoman, I was a workaholic, had high expectations of myself, in fast mode constantly and therefore able to deal with everything. I will now openly voice how I'm feeling and ask for help. I've learnt how to slow down and enjoy the moment. I can still hear you saying 'slowly, slow down'. You made me see how my inner child still needed fun. I'm now much more aware of my inner child and have more fun, planning things into my day that I enjoy.
You have taught me a number of valuable techniques which I refer to regularly. "
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?
"Absolutely and I already have recommended you. I openly talk about our sessions to family and friends, initially I was too proud and saw it as a weakness, I now realise it's not a weakness it shows strength.
Always felt I could discuss everything, you made me feel I could be open and never judged me.
When I was looking for a therapist I was determined to speak to a male, I wanted someone to challenge me and not be all airy, fairy. Alex certainly met the criteria, he challenged me on a number of occasions.
You listened and shared your own experiences. I felt you genuinely cared for my well being and I've made a true friend.
Thank you for your support. I'm sure our paths will cross again.
Until I see you again, take care.

Date of Posting: 16 May 2017
Posted By: Amanda
Posted By: Amanda

What, if anything, have you gained over the duration of our work together and where there any key-standout moments?
"I felt like when I first came I was lost, I didn't understand who I was, or what I wanted from life. Since we've been working together I feel like my minds clear now on where I'm going. A standout moment for me was when you were challenging me to do things..I didn't think I could do it, then I'd achieve it, and go for another challenge to help me grow as a person. Another standout for me is how much you care about me, for your clients, it's not just the next chicken in the line".
Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?
"Yes, definitely. I came in with one issue and over the duration of our work other issues that I have in my life would pop up and I'd resolve them. I remember one particular issue that came up and I thought 'what would Alex do?' And then I'd apply that to my own voice and find the answer. You became my father figure, a brother, a friend that I keep in my mind to draw down on going forward".

Date of Posting: 11 May 2017
Posted By: A, P.
Posted By: A, P.

What, if anything, have you gained over the duration of our work together and were there any key-standout moments?
"I feel like I have a better understanding of myself and how to deal with certain situations that I used to struggle with. An example of that is learning to step back to think about the consequences of my actions, and of how they may have an effect on myself or others around me.
The breakthrough we had in the first session stood out for me and gave me a clearer understanding, you brought the loose ends together. I feel like getting everything off my chest helped massively".
Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?
"Yes, what I liked about you most is that you challenged me, you weren't afraid to be harsh in a positive way.
You're not a nodding yes man, in a good way, you wouldn't get the England managers job put it that way. They only employ yes men!"

Date of Posting: 02 May 2017
Posted By: Jordan, M.
Posted By: Jordan, M.

"For me one of the main things I have gained is to feel rather than suppress. This gave me a new strength to accept my emotions but you also gave me the skills to manage them. I found the somatic symptoms difficult but through the exercises you taught me, I now feel I am able to deal with these feelings but also challenge myself. You gave me a safe place to cry and discuss the feelings others told me I shouldn't be feeling. You helped me to understand the person I had become and why, that I'll have to be mindful of the child within me as she will always be with me and that I should not ignore her but nurture her. You helped me make sense of it all which in turn, allowed me to start moving forward and making changes".
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?
"Yes, I would recommend you and I already have. I found you approachable and I was at ease around you. I never felt judged and I could tell you anything. You have life experience and that teaches you way more than a text book. Thanks Alex".

Date of Posting: 16 April 2017
Posted By: K, B.
Posted By: K, B.

A-"Alex gave me clarity in what I was going through, and was able to pull apart the tangled mess in my mind to manageable pieces. There were some breakthrough moments for me that will help me for a long time going forward. I learnt to realise when anxiety is taking over and it’s just a physiological response rather than reality, and he taught me techniques to help bring me back to the present moment. He is incredibly insightful and has a great deal of knowledge to help with all sorts of issues".
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?
A-"I would definitely recommend Alex. You can tell he genuinely cares about helping you and making sure you’re getting the best from each session. I don’t think there’s much he wouldn’t be able to help with. He challenges your current beliefs and helps you think about things in a different perspective. He taught me lots of tools and different concepts and models that i’ll be able to apply to future situations".

Date of Posting: 06 March 2017
Posted By: Jen, S.
Posted By: Jen, S.

"I have gained my happiness back, a sense of freedom and can now control my emotions much easier. No longer do I feel like have the weight of the world of my shoulders with no way of getting it off. I can see clearer, I can concentrate and focus on tasks which I struggled to do previously. I no longer feel embarrassed to talk about what's troubling/worrying me to close friends and family which I never thought I'd be able to do. Life now feels much simpler and brighter".
Q2: would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?
"I would 100% recommend therapy with yourself.
I was made to feel at ease at all times. Always felt like you had time for me, I was never rushed in to explaining my thoughts/feelings and could tell from the very moment I stepped in to the room that you were genuinely interested in helping me, listening patiently to all my problems, providing explanations of my symptoms and suggesting productive ways of dealing with certain things.
Overall a very knowledgeable, helpful, patient and trustworthy therapist who I will always be thankful to for bringing out the old me'.

Date of Posting: 19 January 2017
Posted By: Lee, L.
Posted By: Lee, L.

What if anything have you gained over the duration of our work together, and were there any key, standout moments?
"Yeah I think confidence in me and who I am is the biggest thing, because when I first came to see you that was the biggest issue that I had, I wasn't sure who I was. I think even that little bit of me that thought I was somebody, I wasn't confident in that and I think I very much thought that having the different characters within me wasn't right. I thought that that was me not knowing who I was, but the big revelation is that I'm allowed to be these 'different' characters and that I now have the ability to chop and change between them to suit my situation. That's the biggest learning that I have took away from our work. So confidence is definitely the biggest take away, learning about how to deal with other people, working on my dad and understanding that he isn't who I thought he was. I had put him on such a pedestal for my whole life and its through the work I've now done that I realise thats not where he should be, he shouldn't be there at all and the acceptance now of that makes it a lot easier to deal with everything thats happened this year as well. its also been an eye opener for me to be able to see now how my sisters and brothers saw him all this time and me thinking that 'why are yous not looking at him in the way that i do' so with everything that's happened this year thats been a big point for me as well".
Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?
"Yeah definitely, I think for me whether or not this would have worked with a different therapist, I don't know. I find you easier to talk to than somebody thats just going to sit there and hasn't had necessarily the same kind of life experience and would deal with things in a potentially different way. I find you more grounded and easier to see eye to eye with, I know we still had very different lives but I think i can connect with you in my head in a way that I wouldn't have necessarily been able to do with somebody that's maybe gone through private school say, and hadn't lived much outside of that. I would recommend you, and I have done'.

Date of Posting: 05 December 2016
Posted By: G, F.
Posted By: G, F.

What if anything have you gained over the duration of our work together? Were there any key/standout moments?
"I have gained a sense of self, you’ve shown me how to accept myself. At the beginning of our work I struggled to understand where I stood in various relationships, I viewed myself in a negative way. Our sessions gave me the opportunity to be able to escape from certain situations and really focus on how these were effecting me. The ongoing support you have offered me has helped me achieve goals that I never dreamed of being able to reach. The most valuable thing I’ve taken away from these sessions is to believe in myself and feel confident about the fact that I’m a good Mum, daughter and friend".
Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?
"Yes, I have and I will continue to do so as I’d love nothing more than for other people to also be able to experience the positive effect that our sessions have had on me".

Date of Posting: 02 October 2016
Posted By: K.G.
Posted By: K.G.

What, if anything, have you gained over the duration of our work together? Where there any key/standout moments?
"I have gained a lot of self belief, I have learnt to love myself aswell as others, that is very important. Now I know what it does and how it helps not only you but others around you. I have also learnt self control, a lot of it. When I first came to therapy, there was not a lot, if anything I could let go over my head, after my time with you Alex, I could hold things, learnt new techniques and learn to deal with my own emotions without taking them out on others".
Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?
"I would definitely recommend you Alex. I was nervous on starting therapy as its a daunting thing for a proud man to start, but it's relaxed, no judgements and has helped me and my family relationship just what I wanted it to do. Worth every penny".

Date of Posting: 04 September 2016
Posted By: Danny
Redcar & Cleveland
Posted By: Danny
Redcar & Cleveland