• Therapy with Alex
    Therapy with Alex Taking the first steps in acknowledging that you need support doesn’t make you weak, in fact it is quite the opposite. Considering the demanding world we live in today I believe that therapy is becoming a necessity
  • Fear of the Unknown
    Fear of the Unknown Through undertaking therapy we can stretch our capacity to tolerate the moment to moment uncertainties of life. Over time you may come to embrace the ebbs and flows of life, and gain an acceptance of ‘what is’.
  • Know thyself
    Know thyself Socrates (C. 469 BC-399 BC) one of the world’s most celebrated philosophers knew the priceless value of self knowledge. In our generation self knowledge gained in therapy is yet again becoming the King of currency.
  • Therapy with Alex
    Therapy with Alex Taking the first steps in acknowledging that you need support doesn’t make you weak, in fact it is quite the opposite. Considering the demanding world we live in today I believe that therapy is becoming a necessity

Your input is important to me. Please provide your valuable feedback. Here are some testimonials from my past and present clients:

Question 1: What, if anything, have you learned about yourself over the duration of our work together? And where there any key standout moments?

"Ive learned to allow myself all of my range of emotions and to be OK with that and to make peace with that. The standout moments were revisiting deeply painful times when I felt abandoned".

Question 2: would you recommend therapy with me, and if so why?

"Yes definitely. I feel you have really lived and been on a big journey and this has opened you up in a way that allows you to connect and be deeply empathetic, and yet rigorous, calm and controlled in the process. I understand the process of letting go requires continually opening the painful moments and I feel we've done that, and I now have the tools to continue that work should I need to in the future, Thank you".

Date of Posting: 01 April 2015
Posted By: David, M.
Q 1: What, if anything, have you learned about yourself over the duration of our work together, where there any key standout moments?

"The key moments for me are that I found it really easy to open up to you straight away. I've never like therapist/client and I've never felt judged. If anything its felt like a mate type relationship".

Q 2: would you recommend therapy with me, and if so why?

"Yes, just because it was so easy to feel comfortable with you and the environment you provide. Ive learned a lot and I've never felt pressurised, your tea's not to bad either..I'll give it a 8 out of 10".
Date of Posting: 11 February 2015
Posted By: Janet, H.
Q 1: What if anything have you learned about yourself over the duration of our work together, where there any key or standout moments?

"A key moment was when you said to me 'if you always do what you've always done, then you'll always get what you always got'. That hit home, I was stuck in Groundhog Day and I'm not now. I know I can't control everything and I'm not hung up on trying too anymore. I'm not as anxious all the time".

Q 2: Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so why?

"I would say yes, you have a really calming influence and you've helped me deal with and understand what was going on in my head".
Date of Posting: 11 February 2015
Posted By: Jeannette, M.
Question 1
Do you feel you have benefited and changed during the course of our therapy?
"Yes without a shadow of doubt. I have learnt so much during therapy. Understanding my actions and those of others towards me, the real root cause for these. I have discovered more of my own qualities and have gradually not felt the need to feel approved of, or worthy to others.
I have allowed myself to be vulnerable and honest and to face some very challenging issues by talking through these. This has allowed me to feel the pain but then continue to build up my strength, of which I have learned I do have a lot of! I wish I had of had therapy earlier in life to have been blessed with the benefit sooner".

Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me? If so why?
"I would definitely. You have been a true example to me. You have inspired me throughout our sessions and I learned to trust you. You work hard, you are determined and you have a great heart. I know you have not had success handed to you, your not a 'text book' therapist you are street wise and that also mattered to me".
Date of Posting: 30 December 2014
Posted By: K. R.
Question 1:
Do you feel you have changed and benefited during our work together?
"I definitely feel that I have benefited and changed as a result of therapy. You have helped me loads and I now feel 100% confident that I’ll never get into another bad relationship again. I have had a few different types of counselling/therapy and never come away feeling any different but with you I feel I have addressed and actually made sense of everything now… The things that have happened in my life and also why I have got into the relationships I have. I honestly feel you have changed my life because I probably would have continued in that cycle."

Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me and if so, why?
"I would definitely recommend therapy with you because you’re always honest and challenged me on things, like how I viewed events in my past, but you were always caring. I really can’t thank you enough "
Date of Posting: 30 November 2014
Posted By: Claire, D.
Question 1
What have you learned about yourself over the duration of our work together & where there any key standout moments?
"I would say accepting myself as a whole and still being able to bring out all the seperate of me as and when I need too. I've learned that previously disowned parts of me are needed. I'm not afraid of what happen anymore. I have been standing up for myself at work, in family life & at University. I can imagine what you might say and that supports me to find my own voice".
Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me & if so, why?
"Of course I would & I already have done. You do whats needed, you challenge people to be honest with themselves and thats important. You don't hide behind anything, theres no shit, what you see is what you get with you. I'm taking away more courage, more respect for myself and more acceptance that who I am as a person is great. I'll take away the smell of the fire in here too, it's like home".

Date of Posting: 03 November 2014
Posted By: Kerri, B.
Question 1:
What if anything have you learned about yourself over the duration of our work together?
"I've learned to accept that I am human, and to accept myself as I am. I have also learned not to suppress emotions and how to understand and control my anger more fully. But I guess the biggest thing is that I feel you've given me the confidence to see I'm going to be OK"

Question 2:
Would you recommend therapy with me and if so, why?
"Yes. I never felt judged by you, I was really ashamed and you understood. You also never threw jargon at me, you gave me real life examples that I can relate too. From the first session I've had the utmost respect for you as a therapist. I've really enjoyed it and I feel refreshed".

Date of Posting: 02 November 2014
Posted By: Ben, H.
Q: What if anything have you learned about yourself over the duration of our work together?
A: "I;d say the biggest learning I've had is that when I drop into my insecure areas I don't need to stay there. I now know that I have the strength to refuse to take bullshit off of people. I can & do say what I need to say so that they know exactly who I am and what my opinion is. I'm clearer and more able to get my needs met too".
Q: Would you recommend therapy with me & if so, why?
A: "I would because for me there is a caring, loving and supportive honesty that runs right through you and thereby the work we have done together. With you, you get what you see. I had heard about you and I knew you were the therapist I needed, and the depth of work we have completed has justified my choice. I will miss talking and sharing with you each week but I feel I'll be carrying your support and care with me & can easily visualise your face & your reactions which is a valuable tool to have".
Date of Posting: 08 October 2014
Posted By: S A
Redcar and Cleveland
Q: What if anything have you learned about yourself over the duration of our work together?
A: "I've learned about my shadow side, which makes me think more about the decisions I am making and which side of me is making them. I have also learned how to channel my anger more healthily, the work we did on Bob the slam man gave me a real release".
Q: Would you recommend therapy with me and if so, why?
A: "Yes I would because I like the way you are. You have a nice calm way about you and you seem to have a lot of talents. It's been interesting getting to know you and getting to know more about myself".
Date of Posting: 08 October 2014
Posted By: J M
Question 1
What if anything have you learned about yourself over the duration of our work together & were there any key stand-out moments?
"Loads of things and memories including the two deaths in my family we dealt with but if I had to put it under an umbrella the biggest is Transference, learning the power of the past and how it still affects me now. As I look back through my notes of our earlier sessions I no longer see myself the same way, the learning and change in me has been Massive."

Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me and if so why?
"Ohh Yes. I've said before I'm a great believer in fate and I knew last summer I needed help. If I didn't get that help I would have got divorced and I believe I would have killed myself after having come so close to it before we met. I found you on the internet searching for Psychotherapist, you came up third or fourth but we hit it off really well, I believe our similar backgrounds helped too. With the right therapist, and I got the right one with you, everyone can benefit from it. I'm smiling more from within now and enjoying life, I will never forget you."
Date of Posting: 01 July 2014
Posted By: Richie. O.

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I am on a voluntary register that has been accredited by the Professional Standards Authority.

The AVR scheme was set up by the Government to improve standards and safety for the benefit of the public and demonstrates my commitment to high professional standards, to enhancing safety and delivering a better service.

Daily Quotes

“A path is only a path, and there is no affront, to oneself or to others, in dropping it if that is what your heart tells you . . . Look at every path closely and deliberately. Try it as many times as you think necessary. Then ask yourself alone, one question . . . Does this path have a heart? If it does, the path is good; if it doesn't it is of no use.”
Carlos Castenada

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