• Therapy with Alex
    Therapy with Alex Taking the first steps in acknowledging that you need support doesn’t make you weak, in fact it is quite the opposite. Considering the demanding world we live in today I believe that therapy is becoming a necessity
  • Fear of the Unknown
    Fear of the Unknown Through undertaking therapy we can stretch our capacity to tolerate the moment to moment uncertainties of life. Over time you may come to embrace the ebbs and flows of life, and gain an acceptance of ‘what is’.
  • Know thyself
    Know thyself Socrates (C. 469 BC-399 BC) one of the world’s most celebrated philosophers knew the priceless value of self knowledge. In our generation self knowledge gained in therapy is yet again becoming the King of currency.
  • Therapy with Alex
    Therapy with Alex Taking the first steps in acknowledging that you need support doesn’t make you weak, in fact it is quite the opposite. Considering the demanding world we live in today I believe that therapy is becoming a necessity

Your input is important to me. Please provide your valuable feedback. Here are some testimonials from my past and present clients:

Question 1
What, if anything, have you gained or learned about yourself over the duration of our work together. And were there any key/standout moments?

“Alex has shown me that I am a much stronger person than I thought I was. He's shown me how to deal with certain issues and I have a newly gained confidence in myself.
In particular a key standout moment was when we did roleplay to help me understand some situations and it really did answer a lot of questions for me... apart from the fact that I would never ever have pictured myself ever having the guts to agree to do roleplay ever ! But it really does help and I'm so glad I did it”.

Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?

“I would recommend Alex as a therapist because he fully made me feel at ease from our very first meeting, he is professional and he has a kind and understanding aura about him, there is always a cuppa on hand and an endless supply of tissues. !!
Thank you so very much Alex, you've shown me who I really am and gave me guidance through some exceptionally difficult times, for this I will be eternally grateful. Thank you”.
Date of Posting: 13 October 2019
Posted By: Kath W
Question 1
What, if anything, have you gained/learned about yourself over the duration of our work together. And where there any key-standout moments?

“I've realised how much I am not in control of my own life and have gained the ability to be able to look at myself and assess how I'm feeling and what my actions are doing to myself and those around me in more depth. I've realised I bring a hell of a lot of stress in to my life that makes me miserable and effects my mental health.

There's parts of me that are very selfish and I've lost my empathy for others to the point where I can feel nothing at all for someone I had a massive connection with an hour earlier.

Social anxiety was something I thought I'd just have to live with and I abused alcohol to relieve that as well as using it to mask any stress in my life. I found the social anxiety suprisingly easy to deal with which has helped me cut down drinking a lot. I still find myself drinking more than I should, but I'm keeping an eye on it and trying to create a different behaviour pattern if I find myself in a situation where drinking is expected or encouraged.

I thought I was strong by being able to walk away from a relationship in the past, but I've realised it takes a stronger person to face up to a problem and resolve it. I'm realising that when I am stressed I am more prone to walking away and sticking two fingers up at the problem. I can now look at this pattern and be more in control of the situation.

My relationship with my current girlfriend has become a lot easier for both myself and for her due to our therapy.

I've not felt I've learned a great deal or gained many new behaviours from our sessions, but my life is changing for the better and I realise I am on the right path now...also someone recently said to me "When you say the word 'but' it wipes out what you've said before it". (You) So I'm now looking at the future with different eyes, re-assessing myself and hopefully coming back after a break with a refreshed view of what I need to work on to continue bettering myself”.

Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?

“Yes, after reading about you on a webpage I got the impression I'd be able to ask you to be tough with me and kick me in to shape a bit. I knew I'd try and pull the wool over your eyes so warned you about this at the start.

We soon created a connection I was happy with and you helped me through some things I was struggling with and opened my eyes to some things I didn't realise I was struggling with.

You like a challenge and have a passion for your work. You’re polite and easy to talk to even for someone with issues talking about their problems.

You have a great place to talk that is comfortable, private and makes you feel at home.

This was my first time using a therapist and I would highly reccommend Alex to anyone thinking of trying it”.
Date of Posting: 21 August 2019
Posted By: Rob
Question 1
What, if anything, have you gained/learned about yourself over the duration of our work together, and where there any key-standout moments?

“I’ve learned I have to not take on other people’s problems and let them make their own mistakes. Let things take there own course, what will be will be.
Don’t be ashamed to talk with others about your problems and talk up for yourself if people run you down regarding your state of mind.
I realise how much I have taken on over my life so far and how strong I have been over the years.
Important point I still love my parents so very much and talking to my dad with you in role play I am so proud of him for thanking me in trying to save his life”.

Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?

“I would highly recommend you to anybody I cross paths with who is in a bad situation, you are a true professional. The most important thing is your own life experience that you can draw upon and your caring attitude to me and others.
I can only thank you for saving me from self destruction you gave me the tools, positive thoughts and courage to get on with my life. I thank you again.
I won’t hesitate to call you if I start to drift back in that dark place.
Love to you and your family.
Warmly Ian xx”
Date of Posting: 15 August 2019
Posted By: Ian
Question 1
What, if anything, have you gained/learned about yourself over the duration of our work together, and where there any key-standout moments?

“I’ve gained some communication skills, I’m better able to talk to people about my problems. Better resolution skills. Stopped being so harsh on myself. Doing the anger work with the baseball bat really stood out for me, I felt like I’d never been able to let stuff out, that took a lot of weight off my shoulders. I feel like I don’t have to be defined by my past and I can grow and learn and shit. Being able to communicate what I want and don’t want held me back in the past, with my new partner now I’m a lot better at expressing myself. Another point that stood out for me was when you pointed out how much I clammed up and how hard you had to work because of that. I took that point and worked harder in here and now I do the same when I’m out of the therapy room with people”.

Question 2

“Yeah I would because it’s helped me a lot to deal with stuff in my life and it’s give me more confidence. Again I bottle less up now and express myself more clearly. A lot of the time before by not saying much I was kind of being dishonest, some of the things I left out or didn’t say, were important to me and others, now I can ask them what they want and tell them what I want. It feels like I’m being more direct and more honest.

N, W.
July 2019
Date of Posting: 19 July 2019
Posted By: N,
Question 1
What, if anything, have you gained/learned about yourself over the duration of our work together, and where there any key-standout moments?

“I’ve gained discipline, maturity and more honesty with myself and others. I’m also more confident and relaxed in general.
A standout moment was when we were working on possible relationships and I said I’m looking for a 9 and ideally a 10 based on looks. You asked what I thought I was. I said a 9, you disagreed and said you thought I was a 7 with a potential of being an 8 if I worked hard at it. I didn’t like hearing that, but yes I was objectifying others and dismissing my own shortfalls. You’re very direct and honest, I needed that.
I’ve been off the alcohol now for nearly a year, lost two stone, sharpened up all round, you’ve challenged me to put myself out there to better my social skills and I’ve took on the challenge. I’ve been to cookery classes, dancing lessons, kickboxing classes and kept it all up building relationships along the way and learning new skills.
I’m less selfish now, I think before I act impulsively, and wonder how others might be affected. I’m also better at handling conflict, probably because of your challenging style and my kickboxing sessions where I get a lot of frustration and anger out. And the role play, I’ve got a lot out of that.
You don’t tell people what they want to hear, I haven’t had much of that and the times that I have I’ve either kicked off or ran away. Being an only child with an overprotective mother probably made my skin too thin, I could have done with some siblings to bounce off. You’ve been like that big brother or Dad. Firm but fair.”.

Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?

“Yes I would, for all of the above reasons. I like myself more now and my life is fuller. I’ll miss you and I’ll miss coming and if I need too, I won’t be too proud to come back for help again. Thank you”.

Date of Posting: 17 July 2019
Posted By: Andrew
Question 1
What, if anything, have you gained/learned about yourself over the duration of our work together, and where there any key-standout moments?

“Without wanting to sound too dramatic I survived my own personal holocaust. I was surprised at how much I was taken in by other men because I was so desperate. I remember the day I was in here and in my head absolutely flipped, not knowing whether I would or could come back, it was a massive turning point, I kept feeling the spike and the dips. I remember you asking ‘how old I felt right now’ and then saying ‘you’re acting like a spoilt kid throwing all the toys out the Pram and books off the shelf, what would your adult say to your kid?’ it felt like a slap in the face and a real waking moment. Looking back it all seems so unreal, I’ve learnt so much including not judging myself so harshly. What happened was a living nightmare.
I know I’ve lost some friendships through it, I’ve had to withdraw from some people which happens when battle lines are drawn.
I’m way happier in my own company than I ever imagined I could be, and I now have a new healthy relationship where I can enjoy male company in a way I thought was impossible.
Despite pressure and temptation I was determined not to be a man hater as that would only hurt me.
I’m employed again, Solvent and capable of having healthy relationships with both sexes. I can also be vulnerable and not be fearful of falling apart.
I realise now I never ever knew the man I was married too. All the things I brushed off came back to haunt me, and in the end I chose not to live a lie. I’ve invested in myself with you and it’s money well spent.
I know now I do deserve more, I like company but I don’t need it. I’m comfortable in my own skin. I’m a better listener to my friends now too and have shared my story with women’s groups which they tell me they’ve found inspiring”.

Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?

“Yes, like I even had to say to my panicking GP who put a safeguarding call in on me! You were recommended to me a long time ago, she said you’re very tough, clever, direct, and don’t take any shit. She said there’s nothing I could throw at you that would surprise you ‘he’s been around the block to places other therapists couldn’t begin to understand’ I needed that, I’ve met the others, the twin set and pearls therapists and academics who I’ve had to minimise myself and my experiences with, or the ones who just try to medicate you. I needed somebody who knew the dark side to get me out of the one I’d been put in. You need people with life experience, you’ve got a lot of it and you can’t buy that or learn it, unless you’ve lived it.
You’re probably the most unlikely therapist in the world, there’d be people I wouldn’t dare send to you, not without warning them”.

Date of Posting: 19 June 2019
Posted By: Julie
Question 1
What, if anything, have you gained over the duration of our work together. And where there any stand out/key moments?

“There were many standout moments. First time I met you, I was in a position that life wasn’t worth anything. Each session I could feel that feeling going away, making me want to come back and infact aching to come back to see you another day. Everyone wants be positive and each session I left more positive. I have learnt from all your sessions, there is a purpose in everyone’s life, mine is to help, in one way or other and you showed me the way”.

Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me and if so, why?

“You are the only therapist I know who takes personal interest in your clients. I call me client, but I never got that feeling. Infact I felt you never considered me just a client. Once I even saw a tear in your eye as I was talking. It’s the human element that makes you unique. That’s why I d recommend you, whoever goes to Alex, stick with him for a few sessions, you ll know the difference then”.
Date of Posting: 18 April 2019
Posted By: S,K.
Question 1
What, if anything, have you gained-learned about yourself over the duration of our work together. And where there any key/standout moments?

“I’ve learned that I’m the person in the wrong in all of this, I shouldn’t have been passing the blame like I have in the past. Standout moment was when I called the trouble I caused a pebble in a pond and you said it was more like a fucking paving slab! I realise that now and I’m dealing with it. I also learned that I’m able to be less angry than before and less stressed with all the talk and techniques you’ve taught me. Like you said 1% better a week adds up over time, I got more than that and I’m headed in the right direction”.

Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?

“Yes. Firstly I haven’t been scared to tell you anything from the first time I met you. It felt like we were both similar fellas, I knew you could take anything on board. I don’t think I’d have been able to say the same things to a woman sat there, not at that depth. Also you’ve never patronised me, I say something and you put a metaphor or analogy to it, to make me see it in an easier and deeper way for me to understand. And regarding my speech, it’s a big thing, you never interrupt. I find it hard to speak to people normally. I could take half an hour to finish a sentence and you’d sit there and let me. I’ve felt so comfortable in that way with you.
It’s also like you’ve always been trying to put things into place for me, whether it’s Jiu Jitsu, and the couples therapy you’ve mixed into our sessions for me. You’re looking out for me going forward, which I really appreciate. I think I’ll really miss coming here either way I’ll keep rolling forward just like in my G.A meetings”.
Date of Posting: 22 March 2019
Posted By: Craig
Redcar and Cleveland
What, if anything, have you learned about yourself, or gained over the duration of our work together. And were there any key-standout moments?

“I gained more of an understanding about why I react to certain things better meaning in general life I can catch myself doing it and avoid it. A standout moment was discussing the different sides to my personality and why they exist and also that it’s not a bad thing”.

Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?

“I would recommend therapy with you to other people because nothing I said resulted in me feeling like there was no point to saying it and I was able to fully open up and take on board your suggestions for me because I knew they’d actually be helpful”.
Date of Posting: 13 January 2019
Posted By: T,M.
North Yorkshire
What, if anything, have you learned about yourself, or gained over the duration of our work together. And where there any key-standout moments?

“Definitely a lot more understanding, I’m also a lot softer with myself now, I was expecting perfection without cutting myself slack. I’ve also got a lot more understanding of my physiology, how we work as humans, learning about my body responses to emotional stimuli has been massive. I’m a lot more informed of what and why my body and mind were out of sync. I had a narrow opinion of ‘talking therapy’ but this experience has certainly broke the barriers I had and opened my eyes”.

Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so why?

“Definitely, you are extremely knowledgable and personable, there are very few holes in you. You also make very good connections tied in with life experience, I got the sense you’d been there and done it and I felt you were right there with me all the way”.

Date of Posting: 16 December 2018
Posted By: Gary

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I am on a voluntary register that has been accredited by the Professional Standards Authority.

The AVR scheme was set up by the Government to improve standards and safety for the benefit of the public and demonstrates my commitment to high professional standards, to enhancing safety and delivering a better service.

Daily Quotes

“A path is only a path, and there is no affront, to oneself or to others, in dropping it if that is what your heart tells you . . . Look at every path closely and deliberately. Try it as many times as you think necessary. Then ask yourself alone, one question . . . Does this path have a heart? If it does, the path is good; if it doesn't it is of no use.”
Carlos Castenada

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