Client Feedback
Your input is important to me. Please provide your valuable feedback. Here are some testimonials from my past and present clients:

What if anything, have you learned or gained over the duration of our work together and were there any key-standout moments?
“I have worked with Alex for several years. The first point of seeking help for any life issues is choosing the right counsellor. I searched and trialled a few in the North East and then met Alex and life started to “click”.
The first thing I learnt is that its ok to have issues and nobody is perfect provided you are prepared to try and address them. Alex provided a great environment for me to be start to understand myself.
There were many standout moments but the one that was key for me was understanding my childhood and upbringing and the attachment issues I had which manifest in my adult life. This key understanding helps me today to develop my own personal and professional relationships.
I used to think everything was black and white (right or wrong) but actually there are so many aspects of life that are grey and its ok to live in the grey zone from time to time. Not everything needs to be fixed straight away !”
Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?
“I have absolutely no hesitation whatsoever in recommending you. You have helped me in so many ways and transformed my life for the better in giving me the skills to deal with everyday life and make my relationships full in every way. Huge thank you for providing a shining light in my life when I most needed it.”

Date of Posting: 23 April 2018
Posted By: Mark
Posted By: Mark

What if anything, have you gained or learned about yourself over the duration of our work together, and where there any key/specific stand out moments?
“Finding You as a Therapist was the best thing that could of happened for me when I was at the lowest time in my life. Your professionalism, care and knowledge was what supported and got me through something I never thought I would. I thought therapy was for "crazy people" but I come to learn in actual fact it is far from that, and it can actually be your saviour if you find the right therapist. My journey has been a long, hard, very sad challenging one but I have got through it all and I have came out such a strong person.
One thing that stood out to me was your persistence when I was ready to give up. You seen how scared my feelings were making me and how much I doubted myself, yet you never let me believe anything other than my strength and belief would get me through and in the end it did.”
Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?
“I would absolutely one million percent recommend therapy with you.
because you are an amazing therapist who has a positive outlook on life, a knowledge of what a therapist consists of and are someone who teaches that you should always stand up for what you believe. You are strong and passionate and have a big heart. I owe so much to you for what you have done for me as my Therapist. I know that if it hadn't of been for your patience, guidance and support my story might of ended a lot differently. Thank you for just been you”.

Date of Posting: 15 April 2018
Posted By: J
Posted By: J

What, if anything, have you gained-learned about yourself over the duration of our work together and where there any key/standout moments?
“We have worked together for over two years and I’ve learned invaluable life skills throughout that time. I manage my time and energy much more effectively now, in relation to business, relationships, friendships, and myself. I take time for myself without feeling guilty, and I communicate much better with those close to me in order for them to understand what’s going on somedays.
* The ‘drama triangle’ is a key standout moment to me, I fast read situations and make sure i predominantly stay on my ‘healthy triangle’.
The EMDR work that we did together was another key moment for me, and I now use the principle of it to destress when I feel overwhelmed.
At first when you suggested ‘role-play’, I thought ‘oh nooo I can’t do that’, but you helped me get into it and I really do encourage people to try it, because it got me through some of my most difficult times when I felt I didn’t have the strength to get my voice heard, you helped me find my voice and gave me my ‘safe place’ where I felt free and secure enough to let myself go. It also helped me to stop my mind from spiralling with worry over encounters or conversations.
I’ve learned so much about my childhood and attachments that I feel I can now enjoy my present and move forward in the most healthiest ways.
There’s so much I could write about what I’ve learned but the key most important thing you have taught me is to be balanced, informed, powerful, and vulnerable when I need to be too”.
Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?
“Over the years I have already recommended you to people and I will continue to do so.
Why?...because you have helped me through my hardest and darkest of times, you’ve been my rock for over two years and I know that your door is always open to me. The relationship we have built over that time is unparalleled and so important to me. I will be seeing you in the future, even just as a check in, my safe place

Date of Posting: 22 March 2018
Posted By: S
Posted By: S

What, if anything, have you gained or learned about yourself over the duration of our work together, and where there any key-standout moments?
“I've learnt a lot about my relationship with my partner. We are now able to communicate much better. I am more considerate of his feelings. I also have a better understanding of how my childhood and early adulthood experiences have impacted on me and my attitude to life/people. I now allow myself to feel emotions and express those emotions rather than bottle them up. There are a few key moments from my therapy sessions. One being the importance of nutrition on the mind and body but also that for all you can psychologically "put things in a box" the body "keeps score" and this can manifest itself into physical symptoms”.
Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?
“I would highly recommend working with Alex as he has a vast amount of knowledge and expertise in lots of areas. I'm in a much better place than I was thanks to the work I have done with Alex. When I'm ready to address other key areas in my life Alex will be the person I contact first.”

Date of Posting: 18 March 2018
Posted By: Lisa
North East of England
Posted By: Lisa
North East of England

What, if anything, have you gained-learned about yourself over the duration of our work together, and where there any key/standout moments?
“I’ve learned a lot about myself and understanding other people points of view. The sessions have vastly improved the relationship of me and my father.”
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?
“Yes I would recommend therapy with you, as your recommendations and advice help massively towards most issues I have”.

Date of Posting: 18 March 2018
Posted By: Jack
North East of England
Posted By: Jack
North East of England

What, if anything, have you learned or gained over the duration of our work together. And where there any key-standout moments?
“Talking about the loss and using the techniques you’ve taught me I feel a lot more relaxed even getting into a car again, I found that really useful. I just feel better, being able to talk about what happened, I didn’t want to put all of that on to others around me, they’ve got enough on their plate, it wouldn’t be fair.
That Zen stuff you taught me too also let me slow things down and get out of my head, choose my thoughts. I can sleep now too, without waking up from the nightmares I’d been having.”
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?
“Yeah you’re easy to talk too. I feel relaxed in here with you and I’ve enjoyed coming. It’s just good, I didn’t know what to expect, I thought it would be very different and serious.
You’re really chilled out, that’s helped me chill too.”

Date of Posting: 12 March 2018
Posted By: Jordan
Posted By: Jordan

What, if anything, have you gained-learned about yourself over the duration of our work together & were there any key-standout moments?
“I feel like I know how to de-stress, I see things differently to be honest. I think I’ve learned I don’t need as much input from my friends or partner, I can go the right way about things without being the hot headed one. I’ve learned that talking things through is a lot better than shouting or arguing. A standout moment for me is when you taught me the difference between process and content, and how to assess what people want from me, and not to fall for their traps. They don’t get to play me like that anymore”.
Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?
“Yes, I would, because I think you have a lot of life experience and could relate to my feelings, in that sense you were perfect for me. And you taught me what caused me to be the way I was, particularly with the way I expressed anger, and that I could choose another way of expressing it without blowing up or denying it.
I can see a massive difference in the way I am”.

Date of Posting: 05 February 2018
Posted By: Andy, G.
Posted By: Andy, G.

What, if anything, have you gained/learned about yourself over the duration of our work together, and where there any key/standout moments?
“Main one for me is keeping calm and not being led by my thoughts the way I used to be. Realising that I can choose to ignore my thoughts, and being taught how too, has allowed me to stop feeding the fire. I’m able to assess quicker now and not let myself spiral out of control. I’ve learned to look after myself better and not let my revs get above the 4.5 we worked on. I’m back hitting the gym hard and less wound which has stopped the negative knock on effect at home as well. I’m modelling the behaviour I want more of at home.”
Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?
“Yes. If you purely consider when I started to now and how much more relaxed, healthier, calmer and more in control of myself I am now it speaks volumes for our time. You’ve given me good advice, you have plenty of knowledge which has helped me understand why I’ve been having the thoughts I’d been having by explaining it to me simply, then offering solutions that will sustain the improvements long term.”

Date of Posting: 25 January 2018
Posted By: Matty
Posted By: Matty

What, if anything, have you gained/learned about yourself over the duration of our work together, and where there any key/standout moments?
"Since working with you I've changed, started training again, I've re-found it, went back to school too and keeping that up. Got on a lot better with my Dad too from you explaining things in a better way to me. I've now got a clearer vision of what I want to do and don't want to do."
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?
"Yeah because I think the most important thing is you listened, and didn't judge the book by its cover, you've listened and explained things clearer."

Date of Posting: 21 November 2017
Posted By: L,H.
Posted By: L,H.

"I think recognising aspects of myself, dealing with my emotions. Keeping a reign on my tendency to let things get to me and go from calm to completely out of control. It has got me into a lot of trouble, I took on board what you said, choose your battles. Also coming to terms with my sexuality, being bisexual, you shone a light on that area and we revisited that side of me. I'm a more relaxed, balanced and happier person which is everything I wanted out of the sessions. Also since we did the EMDR I think it helped with many similar events in my life that have been life threatening. I was able to see big changes, typically I would avoid news about tragic events, now I have a choice to watch or turn off. It's manageable. In retrospect it helped more than the memory we worked on in a weird way. I feel fine about that now".
Q2: would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?
"Yes I would. Why? You've helped me and you've got a sound grounding. I was sceptical about some of the things we've done, EMDR in particular, but you've proved me wrong.".

Date of Posting: 16 October 2017
Posted By: John
Posted By: John