• Therapy with Alex
    Therapy with Alex Taking the first steps in acknowledging that you need support doesn’t make you weak, in fact it is quite the opposite. Considering the demanding world we live in today I believe that therapy is becoming a necessity
  • Fear of the Unknown
    Fear of the Unknown Through undertaking therapy we can stretch our capacity to tolerate the moment to moment uncertainties of life. Over time you may come to embrace the ebbs and flows of life, and gain an acceptance of ‘what is’.
  • Know thyself
    Know thyself Socrates (C. 469 BC-399 BC) one of the world’s most celebrated philosophers knew the priceless value of self knowledge. In our generation self knowledge gained in therapy is yet again becoming the King of currency.
  • Therapy with Alex
    Therapy with Alex Taking the first steps in acknowledging that you need support doesn’t make you weak, in fact it is quite the opposite. Considering the demanding world we live in today I believe that therapy is becoming a necessity

Your input is important to me. Please provide your valuable feedback. Here are some testimonials from my past and present clients:

Question 1
What, if anything, have you gained over the duration of our work together? Where there any key/standout moments?
"I have gained a great amount of patience and self-awareness throughout our sessions, the standout moment for me was where you helped me identify situations that made me angry and unhappy, I was then able to put obstacles in place to avoid them and side step confrontations".

Q2-Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?
"I would definitely recommend therapy with you Alex as you live in the real world and have been part of the real world , many therapists do not understand real life situations and live in an educational bubble and do not fully understand how difficult life can be for most people out there".

Date of Posting: 02 September 2016
Posted By: J.S
Tyne & Wear
Question 1
What, if anything, have you gained over the duration of our work together? And where there any key/standout moments?

"For me I think the biggest thing I have taken from therapy is being able to look at things from a clearer perspective. I'm able to see situations, without being clouded by my thoughts, as they actually are. I've also learnt that it's ok to feel particular emotions and I should just go with them, that there's nothing wrong with feeling particular ways and doing so doesn't make me a failure.
Key moments were: speaking as an outsider to myself about my situation, and saying goodbye to somebody who is no longer in my life but regularly in my thoughts".

Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?

"I definitely would recommend therapy with you, in fact I already have to a few people! Every session I've had a 'light bulb' moment and have come away from therapy feeling positive and having clarity on particular situations".
Date of Posting: 11 August 2016
Posted By: Jane
Redcar & Cleveland
Q1. What, if anything, have you gained over the duration of our work together?
"Being true to myself is what I would say. That involves getting stronger and being more independent, our work has given me the drive to know that I can succeed in many areas. It's made me a better parent too, I haven't spilled over at home onto the kids, I have brought my feelings here and then went home and shown my strength to them. I'm just better all round in relationships. I learned to accept being alone, and now even though I'm in a really good relationship, I want him, I don't need him. It's had a massive impact on my life, I never would have thought I'd have the strength and courage I have now".

Q2. Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?
"I do anyway, so yes, massively. It helps you grow, I haven't dealt with my issues with biased people, its not pity with you, which I hate. I think everybody should be in therapy at some point in their life. I have had therapy before and it didn't do me any good, maybe because you've been there, you understand. Therapists I've had before, can I say it, don't get it, it seemed like they were stuck up their own arse. I felt like a tick box NHS client. To be fair maybe I wasn't as ready back then too, but it felt like they had a mould I had to fit into and one of their targets they had to meet".

Date of Posting: 24 July 2016
Posted By: Becky, L.
North Yorkshire
Question 1
What, if anything, have you gained from the duration of our work together?

"I have gained more confidence, a way to look at things more objectively, to develop more awareness of a given situation. I remember when I came into one of our sessions having had a particularly hard time at work, and we did the EMDR and it was amazing, I wasn't scared anymore, the fear of that situation was gone. In one of your experiments I also realised that I had come to forgive myself, the four year old little girl that had no voice regained her voice. I learned to acknowledge my pain and to understand that the pain I went through was real and that I had done what I had to to survive.
I always felt that I wasn't enough and you've always reminded me that I am and to keep my child alive because that's where the spirit lives. There were lots of moments when I felt encouraged by you, like a building process, I feel like everything I need is now within me. I just need to continue to nurture and protect myself, I feel like I'm now home. Thank you for that.

Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so why?

Yes of course I would. You are genuine, you listen, I've had a therapist before who looked at the clock and nodded, you were there and shared your thoughts and feelings. You could also identify with whatever situation I was in and you empathised with me. I would say that the number one reason is probably that you challenge your clients, if you are serious about doing hard work you have to be ready to rip off the bandage and get to work. You also have the best fireplace and toilet in the north east of England. And also I've never said thank you for working around my surgery schedule. Thank you".
Date of Posting: 11 July 2016
Posted By: N. I.
Q1: What, if anything, have you learned about yourself over the duration of our work together, where there any stand out moments?

"About half way through our work when I put my barriers up was a stand out moment for me, that's when the penny dropped as I tried repeating what I've always done, kicking off and shutting down but you clocked it and we worked through it. I realised I've lived my life conforming to what others need from me, I've worked my socks off and slowly seen my family life deteriorating. I used to treat everything full on with the same approach. It was hard realising how the way I've been impacts so much on my children especially. I've now learned to tune into how my behaviour effects others around me and see that how I'm being affects their scripts so powerfully. I'm getting in better with everyone now."

Q2: Would you recommend therapy with me and, if so, why?

"Yeah of course, it's difficult to explain why though but if I didn't come I don't know where my life would be now. I think I would have just locked myself away. I speak more now too instead of just shutting up shop and getting angry. I'm now embracing what I used to see as a chore. I've softened a lot, at home and at work and I don't want to fight the world no more. I'll keep working on what we've covered, I've learned what makes me tick and pushed through some dark scary times. I'm focusing on the now and taking life one step at a time."

Date of Posting: 22 March 2016
Posted By: M, L.
N. East
Q1: What, if anything, have you learned about yourself over the duration of our work together, where there any stand out moments?

"I came into therapy knowing that I had a high level of negative self-awareness; I already knew a lot about myself; or so I thought. The sessions allowed me to explore how and why I have become the person I am today. They allowed me to connect with several younger versions of myself, recognise why they had developed the way they had and, as the sessions continued, I found that I had understanding and (dare I say) compassion for them and what they have been through. As a result I have been able to extend some of that understanding and compassion to my adult self and start to accept how I have become the person I am today. I was my own worst enemy when I started Gestalt therapy, now I am becoming my friend. Maybe not my best friend yet, but that idea doesn’t seem as impossible now as it once did!! I’m a work in progress, and I am ok with that!"

Q2: Would you recommend therapy with me and, if so, why?

"Undoubtedly. I was challenged in ways that I had never been challenged before, yet I felt psychologically held and totally safe throughout the whole process. Gestalt and your practice have taught me that I should not take what I think I know at face value; things aren’t always what they seem. I listen so much more to my feelings and senses now rather than just relying on my head. I have also learned that the past happened for a reason but that it is how I use that in the “here and now” that will best serve me and my future. I admired your congruence and openness and felt reassured me that things in my own past were not wrong and did not make me a terrible person. “Thank you” doesn’t seem enough!"

Date of Posting: 13 March 2016
Posted By: Sarah, P
Question 1
What, if anything, have you learned about yourself over the duration of our work together, were there any key standout moments?

"When I first came to Alex I was really struggling with anxiety and stress. I felt trapped in a job that I did not enjoy and I had been really struggling.
The main thing I have learnt from my time with Alex was within bad times there are always opportunities. Alex has helped me grasp those opportunities which has ultimately made me feel a lot more positive about myself.
Key stand out moments came when Alex taught me coping mechanisms to help me deal with the stress and anxiety. I also liked how Alex challenged me on issues which allowed me to open up and be honest".

Question 2.
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?

"I had never been to therapy before and therefore did not know what to expect. Alex immediately made me feel very comfortable which allowed me to open up and tackle my particular issue. I would definitely recommend anyone to Alex, he has made me feel a lot more positive about myself".

Date of Posting: 29 February 2016
Posted By: Jonathan, G.
Q1:What, if anything, have you learned about yourself over the duration of our work together, were there any key standout moments?

"I came to realise that I didn't listen, and that Instead I buried my head in the sand. I realised coming to you how scared and upset I was. I am now fully aware of my addictive personality which I now manage much more effectively by being less avoidant, taking a step back and being more pro-active. Your a great listener and you were able to hit the nail on the head when I felt lost, that push and nudge from you I would expand on outside of our sessions".

Q2: Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?

"Yes. I was very selective, and I wanted someone I could relate too, the physical background and boxing histories helped straight away. I didn't know what to expect but from the first session, straight away I could tell you got me and that it was more than just a job with you, you go above and beyond which made me want to give more. I'm not a doormat, and I wish to god I'd met you five years ago, the damage and fallout I've had would have been avoided. Therapy was taboo to me, but nowadays I'm sharing my sessions with 7 or 8 of my pals which is good, even my employees have benefitted. Our sessions have stuck with me and I've really enjoyed our time together. I feel satisfied ending, looking forward to my life and I'm going to keep on developing and remembering our sessions".
Date of Posting: 24 January 2016
Posted By: Paul, L.
Redcar & Cleveland
Q1:What, if anything, have you learned about yourself over the duration of our work together, were there any key standout moments?

"I've learned about the impact that my family have had on my behaviour and my perception of things. I think I was in denial about how their behaviour may have affected me because I am lucky to have been blessed with a loving and caring family. However, they are not perfect (whose is!) and I've learned that my separation anxiety comes from the separation of my parents and the controlling behaviour that my mum displays. You've taught me ways to cope with this anxiety and spot the signs when it begins to affect my personal relationships.
I think one of the most important lessons I learned was about how to deal with tricky situations in romantic relationships. I often freak out if I don't hear from someone for a while or their behaviour isn't necessarily what I would do in a given situation. This is linked with my separation anxiety and you taught me to be a little more patient and sit with the discomfort a while longer before jumping to conclusions. This has really worked for me and I can honestly say may be one of the reasons why my new relationship is going well. I've also learned how to deal with conflict more appropriately. I do have a bit of a fiery side to me and this can aggravate situations even if I have the right to be angry. Therefore you taught me to convey my feelings in a way that is calm and respectful to the other person. This seems to be working so far.
I think one of the most life changing things that I've learned is to have confidence in my perceptions and feelings. My mother's personality is very different from mine and often she tries to mold me into what she thinks I should be like (ladylike, elegant, calm) but that just isn't me. She does this because she wants what is best but she needs to learn to accept me for who I am. Because of this I am often criticised for my behaviour and reactions to things (especially with men) and this meant I was insecure, dependent upon my mother's advice and always felt I have behaved inappropriately. When I started to tell you things that I thought or felt about situations you made me see that my reactions were justified and to be proud of standing up for what I believe in. Now when I have an insecure moment and think 'should I have done that?' I remember how you taught me to have confidence in my perceptions and feelings and I no longer feel insecure or guilty about these.
I've also learned to respect myself and feel I have regained my dignity. For a couple of years I had lost my confidence and allowed people to push me around and this resulted in a constant erosion of my pride and dignity. You've taught me how to value myself again and because of that I feel proud".

Q2: Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?

"Absolutely and I have done already, lol. You are very warm and non-judgemental and this meant I felt I could be vulnerable with you and really tell you what I was feeling. This was of course central to the success of the therapy. I really liked the fact that you would talk about some of your own experiences and these gave me comfort as I then knew that how I was feeling wasn't crazy at all. It also showed me that you had a lot of life experience to draw from and this is crucial. I would not have enjoyed talking with a therapist who could not relate on some level to what I was talking about. However, whilst you are open to being vulnerable in our sessions I could also see your inner strength and I felt like I could rely on you for support. You are clearly a wonderful person, a diamond in the dust, and you helped me see the light in one of the darkest times of my life".
Date of Posting: 15 December 2015
Posted By: K.C.
Question 1
What, if anything, have you learned about yourself over the duration of our work together, were there any key standout moments?

"This is not an exhaustive list. Over the past year I have developed, matured, and learnt more than I thought was possible. With your help and support I have allowed myself to explore the pain of losing my father at a young age, along with a multitude of other issues. This process has taught me a lot of valuable lessons that I will take with me. I have learnt the only way to deal with emotions is to listen to, and process them, as opposed to repressing them. I have learned to listen to my inner child, not be so self critical and disassociate myself with any problems I may face. I have learnt not to project or catastrophise situations, enabling myself to look at things with a cooler head without flying off the handle. Finally, I have learnt that only I have the power to cause myself undue stress and anxiety, and that is something I can control".

Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?

"I can not describe the impact that the work we have done together has made on my life. 12 months ago my anxiety was ruining my life, now I feel like a different person. From my first session I felt comfortable telling you things I had never spoken to anyone about. The fact that you too have overcome your own challenges and are comfortable sharing this has made my own experience a lot more bearable during the tough times. I can honestly say that I have never met anyone who understands me as well as you do and will miss our sessions together".
Date of Posting: 14 December 2015
Posted By: Alex, B.

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"Every person must choose how much truth he can stand"
Irvin D. Yalom

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