Client Feedback
Your input is important to me. Please provide your valuable feedback. Here are some testimonials from my past and present clients:

"It's so difficult to summarise in a few sentences just how important the last 18 months have been. When I arrived, there were feelings of shame, disgust and confusion about myself and my future. Your immediate acceptance of me as a person and what was going on at the time has allowed continuing progress to take place to the point where I've allowed a close family member into what has been a very difficult part of my life....never in a million years would I think I was capable of doing something like that. I project far less, I am able to take a step back and see why or what is going on but most importantly you taught me to trust relationships and trust myself to be able to work through rifts in a relationship (there were a few). I have achieved incredible things professionally thanks to your support and can now treat myself with kindness instead of continuing down pathways of self destruction to manage distress. As I now embark on the next journey in my life, I am sure there will be continuing challenges however I am confident that I am far more resourceful and carry far less shame to allow me to embrace whatever new memories I start to create".
Q2. Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so why?
"You listen to understand, not just to respond, and your understanding of me as a person and what was sometimes going on in the room was always pretty much spot on. Your warmth, kindness and human approach was refreshing, and always worked without judgements; even when I brought loads! You promote hard work in and out of the therapy room and when sensing avoidance give the challenges that are needed to ensure that the most is gained from each session! You see the best and encourage the best and I can't imagine having not had the honour to have worked with you.
It doesn't really do justice to what has gone on in the last 18 months but I just hope you know how special you are to me, I will miss you greatly! Thanks for being scrappy!!"

Date of Posting: 10 November 2015
Posted By: Mark, T.
Posted By: Mark, T.

Alex my sentiments in this letter are my honest thoughts and feelings as to how I have found our therapeutic relationship together. Your genuine humanness and warmth has helped me to trust you, enabling me to un-wrap my hidden self, at times that has been incredibly hard, and at times I have felt at the depths of despair, but I knew you supported me through the process. You challenged me where needed in a gentle way, helping me to see that challenge is 'OK' Thank you for that. You have at all times shown professionalism and expertise and have always been accurate with your interventions. These qualities will serve you well with clients and I believe are an essential part of any therapeutic relationship and are at times so lacking in any helping relationships.
I wish you with all sincerity continued success in your career and your personal life; I have and will continue to recommend you as a therapist as I am sure you will help many other people to "un-wrap" their hidden selves and move forward in their lives. I look forward to one day maybe reading your books and attend your workshops! As you have a lot to offer Alex, to other professionals and people who need a 'listening ear' and a 'warm heart'. Thank you again for MY help!

Date of Posting: 21 October 2015
Posted By: S. S.
North Yorkshire
Posted By: S. S.
North Yorkshire

What, if anything, have you gained or learned about yourself over the duration of our work?
"I have gained increased tolerance. Over the years I would kick off at the drop of a hat, I think about the situation now and as you said to me I can choose whether I am more interested in being right, or getting it right. That's been massive for me on a daily basis and applying it to my relationship with my family I have seen big shifts in the right direction. I'm realising that there's lots of things in life that I don't need to worry about. I spent my life worrying about so many things, now I can put my mind to sitting alongside my anxieties and ride them out. I have a spring in my step now, I'm having happy thoughts that no longer get blasted straight down by 5 negative thoughts. My relationship with my son has improved so much and the change in me is also rubbing off on others dramatically. It's been amazing speaking to someone like you."
Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?
"Yes. I have never done anything like this before and from the first minute I met you I felt completely relaxed, I felt I could tell you everything and I have, I have never hidden anything in here I've just went for it. I'm not sure whether its your manner and the ease you have or because we are men of similar ages but I remember driving back home after our first session knowing I was in the right place with the right person."

Date of Posting: 08 October 2015
Posted By: G.S.
North East
Posted By: G.S.
North East

What if anything have you learned about yourself over the duration of our work together, and where there any key standout moments?
"What I've learned is to express my feelings which is a hell of a difference from when I used to build them up and then blow. I don't let things build up now, I take a minute to think, whereas before I'd fly off the handle like a firework. I use what I've learned daily. The way we've worked has also been at my pace, and my choice which I have really enjoyed. I've learned that its not a sign of weakness to express your emotions because your an ex soldier and ex policeman. I'm glad I asked for help".
Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so why?
"Obviously yes. It's quite strange what happened. I went on counselling directory and there was a lot of choice, but you stood out for me, there was something about you. I asked my wife to search too and tell me who she thought I should go with, she looked through them all and said, this one, which was you and that sealed it. I think your therapy room is fantastic too, homely which made me feel at ease, with loads of space. You have a nice easy manner and our lives have been very similar at times. One of the toughest things for me to do is to show weakness which wasn't a problem for me around you. I also liked how you asked me what I would like to deal with, and in what order allowing me to ease into the demons. I remember feeling so much lighter after we had worked on the biggest one, I could feel the change as I walked out of the door."

Date of Posting: 20 September 2015
Posted By: Andrew
Posted By: Andrew

What if anything have you learned about yourself over the duration of our work together, were there any standout moments?
"Emotions. I have learned to listen to them more and by doing so gain more control over them. I was coming out of depression with my fathers death, and before you I couldn't talk openly about Dad, now I can. I've learned through you and the P.A.C model to recognise and take care of my needs as they arise. The anger work was a superb release valve, helping me to identify and let go of my anger. I am taking away techniques to help me cope with life, like the pictures you made for me that I still use to ground myself and stay in the present. I use our techniques before meetings now and always go in a lot calmer. I also remember how accurate your intuition and summations were of my true feelings in the role play, you could play my feelings and speak my thoughts to a tee. I can now talk about life more openly, and feel more fully. I am a more confident man and not just in my job but in all areas of my life."
Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so, why?
100 percent yes. In my lifetime I have never known a person listen so carefully to what I had been through and I was amazed at how you addressed my feelings and in particular my childhood. I think that you are very very conscious of how people are and so understanding. I just think your a top guy to work with. I would recommend you for any form of therapy , your the only person in my life that I have been able to talk 100 percent honestly with and doing so has made me a better man."

Date of Posting: 19 July 2015
Posted By: Mark W.
Posted By: Mark W.

"I thought I knew myself, but didn’t. The sessions dug up some surprising things about “the inner me” and my coping methods. Some good, but some to work at if I am to keep my equilibrium as a long-term Carer. I am extremely grateful for Alex’s insight into my past experiences, looking from a complete new perspective and with compassion".
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so why?
"Yes, I would. I came out of this feeling worthy and determined, and learnt that if I look out for myself first, then I‘ll be able to look out for the both of us, and we’ll be better for it. The point “Let there be space in your togetherness” really hit home. Altogether, it was an enriching experience that will stay with me for a long time".

Date of Posting: 30 June 2015
Posted By: C. S.
Posted By: C. S.

What, if anything, have you gained or learned about yourself over the duration of our work together?
"The main thing is I understand more now, that my problems affect other people too. I don't feel alone anymore which has lifted me."
Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so why?
"Yes Its worked in only four sessions with this last one to go. I thought of a therapist and imagined, condescending, but your not. Your explanations are easy for me to take on board because you talk in my language. Without even asking you you just hit the nail right on the head."

Date of Posting: 24 June 2015
Posted By: D. A.
Posted By: D. A.

What, if anything, have you gained or learned about yourself over the duration of our work together?
"I'd say I have realised I am not a victim anymore, and I have new healthier ways of coping with anxiety. I've learned I need to do more outside of work, hobbies and stuff like that to find more balance. I have also realised that I can still act reluctantly to being as honest as I could be, which I've learned is an adjustment I have held onto from the past that is still holding me back now."
Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so why?
"Yes I would. You have given me a new perspective, a different way of looking at things. This has been different to the therapy I have had before which was more about teaching me to be more assertive. Now I have found the answers as to why I have held back so long and not been assertive."

Date of Posting: 24 June 2015
Posted By: S. A.
Posted By: S. A.

What, if anything, do you feel you have learned about yourself over the duration of our work together?
"I've learned a lot. Before I used to put up with, and take shit, I'm a lot more confident now and rather than bottle it up I will say it as it is. I definitely have more confidence now. I've learned to ask for help now when I need it instead of allowing others a free ride. I'm telling people when I'm not happy with their attitude. A lot of what we have discussed helps make things so much clearer, especially around my inner child".
Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me and if so why?
"Definitely, you've been very helpful to me, helped me cope and put things into clear perspective. As I said you've helped me understand things I couldn't understand and helped me find the confidence along with the strategies to cope and deal with my problems".

Date of Posting: 06 May 2015
Posted By: Elaine, E
Posted By: Elaine, E

What, if anything, have you learned about yourself over the duration of our work together?
"I've learned there's lots of ways I can relax rather than holding things inside. I feel better in myself altogether now, my life without as many arguments is heaven. I was forever feeling angry but I feel free and easy now, my life and anger was like a crescendo that I don't get caught up in as easily now. I've learned to not give my power away".
Question 2
Would you recommend therapy with me, and if so why?
"Definitely. For me once I got over the first hurdle of coming to therapy, I immediately felt comfortable with you. I find you very easy going and very understanding. You have also managed to draw out so many memories and I have come to realise how important the past is in the present. I don't think there was anything I could have done on my own, this has been very beneficial for me and others in my life. The overall experience leaves me feeling much happier and the child in me is getting more than it's ever had which is amazing".

Date of Posting: 06 May 2015
Posted By: Lenny, K
Posted By: Lenny, K